
Naturally sugary, delicious and crunchy, carrots are healthy additions that you can make to the vegetable list in your diet. Indeed, these root vegetables come with wholesome health benefiting compounds such as beta-carotenes, falcarinol, vitamin A, minerals and anti-oxidants in ample amounts.

Botanically they are the taproots belonging in the Apiaceae or umbelliferous family of the genus; Daucus.  Scientific name: Daucus carota. The other close Apiaceae members include parsnips, parsley, dill, cumin, etc.

Carrot plant is cultivated across the world for its prized taproot. It is biennial and bears flowers during second year of life. However, in general, the whole plant is harvested much prematurely without wait for the bloom when its root reaches about an inch in diameter, tender and juicy.

Sweet and crunchy carrots are notably rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber. They provide only 41 calories per 100 g, negligible amount of fat and no cholesterol.